Basic Guidelines for Drive in Worship
1. Stay in your own vehicle.
2. Only one family per vehicle.
3. Use restroom before you arrive.
4. Keep windows up or space wider than 6 ft.
5. Face masks and gloves outside of vehicles for work crew.
6. All vehicles are to be spaced six feet apart.
7. Tune into FM 106.3.
8. If you have Corona type symptoms, please refrain from attending.
9. If you have a fever 100.4 please refrain from attending.
10. Use social distancing.
11. Wash your hands before you arrive and after you get home.
12. Do not touch your face unless you have clean hands, washed.
13. Please do not go to playground or into church unless part of set up crew.
14. You can use your PayPal account (use family and friends) or use the link on our website for paying tithes.
a. Email for PayPal is:
b. Website is:
15. These guidelines are for your and our communities’ protection. Thank you for your attendance.
16. We will keep our praise team and work crew numbers under 10.
17. Regular offering will still be collected by our ushers. A drop box will be set up soon